Solomon Latte helps readers wed biblical truth with physical intimacy as God intended it.
Solomon Latte, a six-week study, explores the love poetry in Song of Solomon. Full of sensuous imagery, the ancient Hebrew Book of Canticles provides insight into God’s beautiful design for human sexuality. Group and personal questions are separated so no one in a group context shares more than is comfortable, yet everyone can benefit from group interaction to gain understanding of the text.
This and all of the Coffee Cup Bible Study books contain weekday Bible study questions, with weekend devotional thoughts for lighter reading. Designed for group or individual study.

“Sandra Glahn serves up the richness of Song of Songs with depth of excellent scholarship and breadth of practical applications. With questions for both personal and group use, those who use Solomon Latte will come away with something for mind, body and spirit.”
David & Renée Sanford
authors, How to Read Your Bible
Meet the Author
Dr. Sandra Glahn
Sandra L. Glahn (ThM, DTS; PhD, University of Texas at Dallas) is Professor of Media Arts and Worship at Dallas Theological Seminary, where her emphases are first-century backgrounds related to women, culture, gender, and the arts. She has authored or edited more than twenty books, including Vindicating the Vixens, Sanctified Sexuality (coeditor), and Sexual Intimacy in Marriage (coauthor). She also contributed the notes on Song of Solomon for B&H’s forthcoming Women’s Study Bible.
Resources for Solomon Latte
Notes has wonderful textual notes on Song of Songs.
Visual Art
Join people from all over who are studying the Bible and creating simple works of art the size of playing cards as part of their contemplations. Click on the pictures to see. You are invited to participate.
Coffee Cup Bible Series feature in DTS Voice.
Books Related to Song of Songs
Song of a Longing Heart: A Fresh Look at Solomon’s Song of Songs, David Roper
A Handbook on Song of Songs, Ogden and Zogbo
The Song of Songs: A New Translation, Marcia Falk
The Song of Songs and the Ancient Egyptian Love Songs, Michael V. Fox
Song of Songs (Baker Commentary), Richard Hess
A companion for the Song of Songs study is Cutrer and Glahn’s Sexual Intimacy in Marriage.