By considering the lives of characters in the Book of Judges, readers of Java with Judges will see the urgency in doing what’s right no matter the cost.
“They all did what was right in their own eyes.” Sound familiar? In the history of the nation of Israel, the period of the judges looked much like today. Maybe they didn’t have Internet porn and bio-terrorism threats. But they had the me-centered “I” mentality mastered—just like we do.
This six-week study is chock full of exciting drama—from Deborah the Deliverer and tent-peg-wielding Jael to Ehud the Knifer and Samson the Seduced. Their stories inspire us to do what is right in God’s eyes, no matter what the cost.
Because Hannah’s story happened during the time of the judges, an overview of 1 Samuel 1 is also included.
This and all the Coffee Cup Bible Studies books contain weekday Bible study questions with devotional thoughts for lighter weekend reading. Designed for group or individual study. Why not grab a few friends and get ready for a fun, exciting, faith-stretching discussion?

“Java with the Judges author Sandra Glahn skillfully applies the lessons from Israel’s past to women today. If you have ever wondered what ancient biblical history has to do with your life, you’ll find that the principles and poignant questions presented here bring clarity.”
David & Renee Sanford
authors, How to Read Your Bible
Meet the Author
Dr. Sandra Glahn
Sandra L. Glahn (PhD, University of Texas at Dallas) is Professor of Media Arts and Worship at Dallas Theological Seminary, where her emphases are first-century backgrounds related to women, culture, gender, and the arts. She has authored or edited more than twenty books, including Vindicating the Vixens, Earl Grey with Ephesians, Sanctified Sexuality (coeditor), and Sexual Intimacy in Marriage (coauthor).