“The purpose for God in marriage is that two become one.” Here you will find resources designed to help married couples develop intimacy in every area of their lives.
Marriage Articles
Orgasm–Redefine Your Expectations with Sandra Glahn
December 13, 2016
Seven Ways to Keep Your Marriage Strong While You’re in Seminary
I spent fourteen years either as the spouse of a seminary student or as a student myself. Yes, you’re right—I probably needed to get a life. But I tell you that to tell you this: my husband and I still like each other … a lot. And you can emerge from seminary with a decent marriage, too. Download the PDF →
Marital Intimacy SOAP Notes
It has been a hard day—the last surgical case was especially long. And now you’re finally home. Clinging to a glass of lemonade, you collapse into your recliner, spiraling down into a persistent vegetative state in front of the TV, hypnotized by CNN. Download the PDF →
Women, Marriage, and Submission
“Submit”—what a loaded word. Yet Jesus did it. And in fact all Christians are to live in submission to the Lord—so submission is a universal human quality. What does it mean to submit as a wife? And perhaps more importantly, what does it not mean? Download the PDF →
Ephesians 5
A key passage on marriage in the New Testament is Ephesians 5. Based on this pericope, most marriage conferences teach husbands to lead and wives to submit. But “head” is a noun, not a verb, and its counterpart is “body,” not “follow.” The complement to “submit” is not lead, but “agape love.” Once we understand the apostle Paul’s terms, a picture of unity and oneness—not a power picture—emerges. Download the PDF →
Cross-Gender Relationships (Sexual Intimacy book excerpt)
Many warn that because of the danger of cross-gender friendships, men and women should never be friends. Movies such as “When Harry Met Sally” hint that male-female friendships will always develop into something more. Comedians joke that men have no female friends, only women they haven’t yet slept with. And they say women have no male friends–they merely have men they keep around “just in case.” Download the PDF →