Premium Roast with Ruth helps readers recognize that in an unjust world God is still in control and calls them to self-sacrifice on behalf of others needing justice and mercy.
A “nobody” kind of girl, Ruth is born in the wrong place—Moab. She marries an Israelite at the wrong time—when his nation is experiencing a famine. And she ends up in the wrong circumstances—her husband dies leaving her childless with no Social Security or unemployment insurance.
But Ruth encounters a big God. And miraculously, this humble widow ends up as the right person in the right place at the right time. After accompanying her grieving mother-in-law to far-away Bethlehem, Ruth marries a much older man—a relative of her deceased husband. Why? So her mother-in-law can eat. And in the end this selfless act means Ruth’s progeny include Israel’s King David and ultimately the King of Kings Himself. Why? Anything can happen when we choose to follow the one true God and trust in Him.
Premium Roast with Ruth, a Coffee Cup Bible Study, considers one of the two great women for whom a book of the Bible is named. Designed for group or individual study, this Bible study explores how God is in control; how God always keeps promises; how God can reverse impossible circumstances; and how God blesses the faithful more richly and for longer than they could ever imagine.
All the Coffee Cup Bible series books contain Monday-through-Friday study questions, along with devotional thoughts for lighter reading on the weekends.

“Wanted: Extraordinary Bible studies for ordinary people, scholarly explanations–but in plain English, history to bring context to biblical stories…Found: Sandra Glahn’s remarkable Coffee Cup Series! Glahn sets theological content into a conversational style for any reader to enjoy. Prepare yourself to be delighted yet challenged as you imbibe the truths of the scriptures addressed in this series.”
Kelley Mathews
ThM, coauthor 40 questions about women in ministry
Meet the Author
Dr. Sandra Glahn
Sandra L. Glahn (PhD, University of Texas at Dallas) is professor of Media Arts and Worship at Dallas Theological Seminary, where her emphases are first-century backgrounds related to women, culture, gender, and the arts. She has authored or edited more than twenty books, including Vindicating the Vixens, Earl Grey with Ephesians, Sanctified Sexuality (coeditor), and Sexual Intimacy in Marriage (coauthor).
Resources for Premium Roast with Ruth
For a good laugh relating to this study
For notes, visuals, and reflections from a group that went through this study online, click here.
And here.‘s wonderful textual notes on Ruth
Heather Goodman’s Literary Analysis of the Book of Ruth
InterVarsity’s online Bible study in Ruth
Dr. Tom Constables notes (.pdf) on The Book of Ruth
The Book of Ruth in a modern setting: Ebony Moon
Shattered Dreams by Larry Crabb
Slate: A self-described unobservant Jew blogs as he reads the Bible. Here’s the link to what he said about the Book of Ruth.
The Widow and the Queen: Ruth and Esther
Coffee Cup Bible Series feature in DTS Voice.
The Story of Ruth (1960) with Gregory Peck
Bible Films Blog:The Story of Ruth Reviewed
Animated story of Ruth (1966)
El Shaddai is “The Sovereign One,” a truth found in “Blessed Be Your Name“: “You give and take away”
Ruth takes place during the barley harvest, so why not try some Barley Burger Stew:
1 lb. ground beef
1/2 c. chopped onion
1 c. chopped celery
1 1/2 qts. stewed tomatoes (or tomato sauce)
3 tsp. chili powder
1/2 tsp. fresh ground pepper
1/2 c. uncooked barley Brown ground beef. Add remaining ingredients and simmer 1-1 1/2 hours.
From a reader:
My Bible study group has been studying Ruth. I would like you to explain your comment on page 96: “Many failed to appreciate the deep intellectual sacrifices their wives were making to raise the kids.” I would imagine that a mother who chooses to not work outside the home might be taken aback by this comment. It seems harsh and frankly, untrue.
Glahn’s Response:
I’m so glad you wrote, because in writing what I did, I intended to affirm rather than discount the choices of stay-at-home moms. I simply meant that for a number of years (the child-rearing years) many women lay aside the ability to read a complete book uninterrupted, have a complete conversation uninterrupted, or pursue further education. Instead, they choose to do what they consider of more lasting value. But it’s still a big sacrifice that is often unappreciated. My own mother always longed to return to college and become a teacher. Because of her support of him, my dad got his master’s, but she was never able to earn the degree she wanted. Why? Because she did such a great job raising five kids. Her dream got sacrificed on the altar of excellent mothering. Still, instead of teaching in a formal setting, in the end she taught a musician, an artist, a home-schooling expert, an author, and a teacher.