Control? : A Couple’s Guide to Contraception
Formerly The Contraception Guidebook: Options, Risks, and Answers for Christian Couples, this book is written in a personal, engaging style.
Control? A Couple’s Guide to Contraception equips couples to make fully informed decisions about the complex and personal issues surrounding the topic of family building. Balancing between the extremes of “anything goes” and “no contraception at all,” this book guides readers who wish to take a high view of life in some of their most intimate decisions.
Written in a candid, engaging style by a male obstetrician/gynecologist and a female journalist/educator, both of them theologians, this easy-to-read book is packed with medical information and addresses multiple ethical considerations. In this re-release of the authors’ 2005 guide, you’ll learn from real-life couples facing a variety of concerns and obtain faith-based wisdom for your choices. Each chapter ends with questions to help partners communicate on key issues.

“Every Christian leader, every marital advisor, indeed everyone who cares about families in our world should include this most important book on the active reading shelf. Cutrer and Glahn come to us for such a time as ours.”
Dr. Howard G. Hendricks
the late distinguished professor, Dallas Theological Seminary
Meet the Authors
Dr. Sandra Glahn
Sandra L. Glahn (PhD, University of Texas at Dallas) is Professor of Media Arts and Worship at Dallas Theological Seminary, where her emphases are first-century backgrounds related to women, culture, gender, and the arts. She has authored or edited more than twenty books, including Vindicating the Vixens, Earl Grey with Ephesians, Sanctified Sexuality (coeditor), and Sexual Intimacy in Marriage (coauthor).
Dr. William Cutrer
The late Dr. William Cutrer was a licensed obstetrician/gynecologist, a certified Christian sex therapist, an expert in reproductive technologies, and an ordained minister. Drs. Cutrer and Glahn wrote seven books together before his sudden death in 2013.