Espresso with Esther helps readers consider how God has everything under control, including perfect timing, and how this truth can dramatically affect their outlook.
Esther–a powerless, orphaned, trafficked girl–saves an entire nation. And Espresso with Esther helps readers consider how the Almighty, the unnamed hero in the Book, is moving behind the scenes, has perfect timing, and works all things for his purposes. These truths can dramatically affect our outlook.
This five-week study, as with all the other Coffee Cup Bible Study books, contains questions, sidebars, and devotionals. Designed for group or individual use.

“We have a big God, and He can use you to accomplish his purposes, regardless of your past. With expert historical and biblical scholarship, Sandra Glahn reveals the unspoken message of Esther. If you want to be spiritually encouraged and challenged, grab a study from the Coffee Cup Series when you sit down with your cup of joe. You are in for a treat!”
Kelley Mathews
ThM, coauthor New Doors in Ministry to Women
Meet the Author
Dr. Sandra Glahn
Sandra L. Glahn (PhD, University of Texas at Dallas) is Professor of Media Arts and Worship at Dallas Theological Seminary, where her emphases are first-century backgrounds related to women, culture, gender, and the arts. She has authored or edited more than twenty books, including Vindicating the Vixens, Earl Grey with Ephesians, Sanctified Sexuality (coeditor), and Sexual Intimacy in Marriage (coauthor).
Resources for Espresso with Esther
Notes has wonderful textual notes on Esther
Dr. Tom Constable, a professor at Dallas Seminary, has compiled extensive notes on the Book of Esther. He makes his notes available online for free. You can access the .pdf file by following this link: Constable notes
Rent a video
VeggieTales: The Girl Who Became Queen
For a wonderful summary of Esther’s story, read p. 174-175 of the classic Christy by Catherine Marshall, the best-selling novel on which the TV series by the same name was based.
Chosen: The Lost Diaries of Queen Esther by Ginger Garrett
Other Esther Books at
After the NET Bible notes, this is my favorite commentary on Esther
Link to a Hamantashen recipe: A traditional treat offered at Purim, Hamantashen or “Haman pockets” are three-cornered filled pastries. They’re also called “Haman’s Hat.”
Sandra Glahn teaches The Book of Esther (Women’s retreat, Munich International Church, Munich, Germany)
“Chin people” telling the story of Esther
Visual Art
For online searches of biblical art, follow this link: Biblical art
Additional art: Artist Rhonda Oglesby has compiled this list of “Esther art” info:
Andrea del Castagno, “Queen Esther,” From the Cycle of Famous Men and Women. c. 1450. Detached fresco. Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence, Italy.
“Banquet,” Antoon Claeissens, 1574
“Banquet of Ahasuerus,” Jacopo del Sellaio, c.1490
“The Toilet of Esther,” Theodore Chasseriau, 1841
Claude Vignon “Esther before Ahasuerus,” 1624
Aert de Gelder, “The Jewish Bride,” 1684
Aert de Gelder, “Esther & Mordochai,” 1685
Bernardo Cavallino, “Esther & Ahaseurus,” 1645-1650
Frans Francken II, “Feast of Esther,” ?
Pieter Pietersz Lastman, “Triumph of Mordecai,” 1645
Jan Victors, “Banquet of Esther,” 1640s
Jan Victors, “Esther & Haman,” 1638-1640
Antoine Coypel, “The Swooning of Esther,” 1704
Filippino Lippi. Three Scenes from the Story of Esther: Mardochus Laments; Esther Faints Before Assuerus; Aman Implores Her Grace in Vain. Tempera on panel. Louvre, Paris, France, 1475
Tintoretto, “Esther before Ahasuerus,” 1547-1548
Coffee Cup Bible Series feature in DTS Voice.
“A probing look into the characters, history, setting, and present-day applications of the book of Esther will leave readers with a renewed love for the real hero of the story, God.”
David & Renée Sanford
authors, How to Read Your Bible
“Sandra Glahn’s study, Espresso with Esther, adeptly uses probing questions and pertinent historical and cultural insights to draw out timeless truths from the book of Esther and guide you to an understanding of how these truths apply to life today. In the accompanying devotionals, Glahn skillfully weaves biblical examples with modern day experience to make the lessons of Esther come alive! Great for any group or individual seeking deeper understanding of God’s control and timing!”
Katy Anderson
ThM, Coordinator-Ministry to Women Bent Tree Bible Fellowship
“Sandra Glahn’s thoughtful study of Esther takes us into the heady realms of world power to view the ancient world (and our own world) thru the lens of God’s sovereignty—truly a reassuring message, given the uncertainties of today’s international scene, as well as an affirming reminder of God’s practice of using flawed people to accomplish His purposes in every age.”
Carolyn Custis James
author of When Life and Beliefs Collide and Lost Women of the Bible
“The Esther study is wonderful: so pithy and relevant and short enough to keep everyone’s attention.”
Marla Apupoaicei
author of Your Intercultural Marriage