Bioethics in the News

The Center for Bioethics & Human Dignity hasreleased this list of what they consider the top related news stories thisweek:
 Stem cell therapy to repairdamaged knee cartilage  RushUniversity Medical Center is conducting the nation’s first clinical study of aninnovative stem cell drug, Cartistem, to repair knee cartilage damaged byaging, trauma or degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis. (Science Daily)
Abusive partners can sabotage contraception Whileresearchers don’t know exactly how common it is, the nation’s leading group ofobstetricians and gynecologists says women should be screened for ‘reproductivecoercion.’ (U.S.A. Today)
Japanese researchers say kidney tissue grown from stemcells (update) Researchers in Japan said Wednesday that they havesucceeded in growing human kidney tissue from stem cells for the first time, ina potential first step towards helping millions who depend on dialysis. (Medical Xpress)
Experts propose overhaul of ethics oversight of research The longstanding ethical framework for protecting humanvolunteers in medical research needs to be replaced because it is outdated andcan impede efforts to improve health care quality, assert leaders in bioethics,medicine, and health policy in two companion articles in a HastingsCenter Report special report, “Ethical Oversight of Learning HealthCare Systems.” One of the authors calling for a new approach is the mainarchitect of the current ethical framework. (Eurekalert)
Protests mark anniversary of landmark abortion ruling Americans on Tuesday marked the 40th anniversary of the SupremeCourt decision that legalized abortion, even as battles over the contentiousissue have largely shifted from the federal courts to statehouses. (Reuters)
 ‘I can create Neanderthal baby, I just need awilling woman’  A scientist has said it would be possible to clone aNeanderthal baby from ancient DNA if he could find a woman willing to act as asurrogate. (The Telegraph)
Strangers protest care of man in end-of-life  A throngof protesters stood outside St. Vincent Indianapolis Hospital on Sunday, signsheld high, voices carrying in the cold air and their message made clear: PaulG. Smith, a gravely ill 88-year-old man, is not getting the care he needs. (U.S.A. Today)
California woman pleads guilty in assisted suicide of WWII veteran  A California woman accused of helping an 86-year-oldWorld War II veteran kill himself by mixing a lethal dose of Oxycontin into hisyogurt pleaded guilty on Friday to a charge of assisted suicide and wassentenced to probation. (Reuters)
Women’s health in Islam: Addressing harmful traditionalpractice  In the Eastern Mediterranean Region, as in otherregions, women and newborn children are among the most vulnerable populationgroups. Ten countries are still at risk of not achieving Millennium DevelopmentGoals 4 and 5 by 2015, and health indicators for these two population groupscontinue to be a cause for alarm in several countries of the Region. (World Health Organization
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