Today's the Day!

We're Kenya-bound today! To find Kenya on a map of Africa, look for where the east coast of Africa meets the equator. Right where the two come together, you see a little orange/brown country just to the left of the words "Indian Ocean." That's it!
We have bags packed, malaria pills swallowed, immunizations received, and our 33-pound limit of stuff.

We're slated for a 3:05 PM departure (Central Daylight Time) for the nine-hour flight to Amsterdam (Netherlands) on Royal Dutch/KLM airlines. They have us scheduled to land around 7 AM Amsterdam time (midnight where we come from). Amsterdam's day begins as our bodies say our days should end. We get out and stretch our legs, have a three-hour layover, then board another flight--this one taking eight hours--to Nairobi.

For the days ahead, I've pre-written blog entries according to the agenda we plan to follow so you can follow our daily progress, but who knows how closely what shows up here will reflect what actually happens! I probably won't have Internet access.
Please pray for health, safety, rest, flexibility, team unity, and insight into which needs we can actually help meet. We have so much to learn! Thank you for partnering with us.

Lots of Flying


The Old, Old Story