Lots of Flying

One of my former students, Leani, lives in South Africa. When we learned we'd be in Africa this summer, I emailed her and asked how far she'd be from Kenya. I laugh now at my own geographical ignorance. She gently let me know that she'd have to take an eight-hour flight (that's how long it takes from N.Y. City to L.A.!) if she wanted to come up to meet me. Saying I'd be in Nairobi to someone in South Africa is like telling someone in Washington, D.C., that I'll be over in London!

We spend July 8 back in the air--this time from Amsterdam to Nairobi, arriving around 8 PM Nairobi time. Once in Nairobi we're booked at the Mayfield Guest House (a ministry of AIM--Africa Inland Mission). Then we get up early for another flight into the interior. Our bodies will be adjusting to the eight-hour time difference! Pray that my hubby doesn't get a migraine. A big trigger is air pressure changes and alterations in sleep patterns...




Today's the Day!