Dr. Sandra Glahn

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Masai Boma-Namelok

What time is it where you are? We're eight hours ahead of Central Daylight Time. So most of our friends are starting their days while we're well into ours in Kenya!

Today's agenda includes teaching time and visiting the site of a future orphanage. That's the Western version. It'll actually consist mostly of meeting under a tree with children who don't yet go to school (but want to) and some of the women for about two hours. In the states when we plan a trip, we want to know the agenda. The more African approach is not the event but the presence--who will we be with? So the schedule is for some "with" time at this location.

Then we're slated to show the "Jesus" film at night. It'll be my first time to hear it in Swahili! Last I heard we were scheduled to rough it a bit by spending the night in a girls' high school. But one holds plans loosely in this part of the world. Actually, we must do that everywhere, huh? We're just more conscious of it in Africa.

The Maasai people live in compounds called Boma. So the location is the Masai Boma, Namelok.