Girl Time

The grown-ups today consider what we can do to help with education. And today is also our girl's chance to shine. She is not at all thrilled about public speaking, but she has the chance to share with students at a Maasai girls' high school--for students in grades nine through eleven--answering their questions about what it's like to live in our part of the world.

A few weeks ago we ran around town with a camera and our daughter's friend, Kathryn, taking shots of them decked out in dress-code duds in front of their middle school, eating ice cream at Sonic, standing in front of their respective homes, playing their instruments--slice of life stuff. We had that made into an 8X10 laminated photo book for our girl to use at this school.

When we're finished, if all goes as planned we'll head back to Serena, inside the game reserve.


Travel Day


Masai Boma-Namelok