Summer Plans?

In our local district, today is the last day of school. And last Friday was my last day of teaching at the seminary. It's transition time.

With the academic year behind us, folks switch gears to think of time off and travel. But what about engaging our brains? And our souls? Here are some suggestions:

Watch a documentary about Einstein.
Read John McCullough's John Adams.
Pick up a copy of an arts magazine.
Visit a museum.
Invite a friend to have coffee. Or tea. Or sparkling water.
Go to the library and browse.
Read up on solar energy.
Bake cookies with a kid.
Tour a factory.
Do a four-week study in a book of the Bible.

To encourage you along these lines, I'm giving away a free copy of the winner's choice of one of the Coffee Cup Bible study series. Enter to win by leaving a comment that offers a favorite suggestion for how readers can engage their minds or souls this summer. Winner TBA on Tuesday.


Kenya Update


Wordless Wednesday