Kenya Update

Last Friday my daughter thought it amusing that I had to get five shots when she got only one. This after the yellow fever shots the previous day. (If we don't get them, the shots will be "given" to us upon arrival in Africa. No thanks.) We're also on the required eight-day typhoid regimen (oral), after which we're to start with the anti-milaria meds and a follow-up Hepatitis shot right before we leave. Not that anyone needs to punch my martyr card or anything. I'm not complaining. Seriously. It made me so glad I live in a place where I don't have to concern myself much with diseases spread by blood-sucking bugs!

Today the team met for the second time, and I was asked to speak with a distinguished group of leaders in Kenya (when we get there) about women's leadership. Right up my alley.

We're taking our girl, and she is slated to talk with kids at an all-girl school about what it's like to get an education in America. So we plan to put together some photos of her school, and of her playing her violin, and of fun time with her neighbor friend to give the kids she meets an idea about what her life is like here.

This came on the heels of a mostly fab week. Last Monday our friends Benji and Greta visited from Southern Cal. Then my sister's daughter Devin graduated from high school on Saturday (they live six blocks from us). So another of my nieces, Heather, flew in from Portland for the celebration and my sis's in-laws came from California. Add my bro-in-law, my niece Erin, and Dev's boyfriend, and that brought the total to eleven of us having too much food, fun, fellowship, Bunko and movie time. Feeling very rich these days...


Wordless Wednesday


Summer Plans?