Sanctity of Life Sunday

This Sunday many churches across America will set aside the day to honor the sanctity of human life. In doing so they acknowledge that God created humans in his own image (see Genesis 1), and that all human life is precious.

This is a good thing to do. A biblical thing to do. A just thing to do.

Yet in doing so, most churches will focus only on unborn babies--about 46 million of whose lives were terminated last year. And my friend Kelley reminded me today that we need to consider the broader ramifications of life's preciousness.

While I believe we're justified in focusing most of our attention on unborn children (the numbers are staggering, aren't they?), I also think we should look more broadly at the ramifications of human dignity. Why not also...

...address the number of people who died of AIDS in 2007 (2.1 million) and give thanks for folks like my friend, Heather, who has opened a number of AIDS orphanages?

...project images of children who died of hunger in 2007 (15 million) and encourage contributions to aid organizations that feed the hungry? about the number of people who died daily in 2005 because they lacked clean water (4,700) and applaud the efforts of people like my nephew, who spent last summer in South America digging wells?

...give thanks for the lives saved in the past two decades because of immunizations (20+ million)?

...consider the number of people killed in Kenya this month (about 650), and pray for Heather and her family while they're displaced?

"In the image of God he created them--male and female," Moses wrote in Genesis. Yes, humanity is precious. And what does the Lord require of us? The prophet Micah said we are to "Do justice; love mercy; and walk humbly with [our] God." We must speak on behalf of those who can't speak for themselves (Prov. 30). And that includes those at the beginning and at the end of life--and a lot of folks in between.


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