Genocide: 100 Years Later

Turkey still denies the Armenian genocide.The last Islamic empire came to an end during the First World War, but not without one final massive slaughter of Christians. The European nations and Russia decided that the Ottoman Empire had to be destroyed, so the Ottomans went into a rage of revenge against the Armenians.

 Today, April 24, marks the 100th anniversary of the Armenian genocide by the Ottoman Empire (Turkey), when one to two million Armenians were killed (1915–1916) in what is universally recognized as genocide. The Republic of Turkey denies the genocide to this day.The genocide took the lives of one to two million Armenians. But it happened. This date marks the anniversary of the Ottoman government's rounding up and arrest of some 250 Armenian intellectuals and community leaders in Constantinople (i.e, Istanbul).The genocide, which took place both during and after World War I, was implemented in two phases. The first was the extermination of able-bodied men by massacre (and subjection of army conscripts to forced labor). The second was the deportation of women, children, the elderly and infirm on death marches leading to the Syrian desert.Although the Islamic empire and Caliphate came to an end in WW1, Christians were still being persecuted and killed in the Middle East at a rate of one every five minutes in the present—before the Arab Spring, that is. The rate is far greater now that the Islamic empire is once again threatening to come to life again. Look at the purging of Christians from Iraq….


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