Four Activities for Families in Dallas

Dave Friese, Ed Gossien, and John Peterson sent me a messagewith a subject line “Quickly written, half-baked satire.” Take three guys fromout of town (taking a DEdMin class) and give them 20 minutes to come up withfour ways families can have fun in Big D. And here’s what you get. (At leastthey didn’t say anything about grassy knolls or Southfork Ranch):
Four ways to helpfamilies in Dallas in fifteen minutes or less  

Did you know that uninterrupted family timeduring rush hour traffic actually lowers blood pressure and increasescirculation? Road rage is really a myth. [Those other drivers] are just trying to get to the next BBQ stand over your deadbody.Research tells us that families who playtogether stay together. We’all want tosee a Cowboys game! (Everyone wants tosee a screen bigger than Jerry Jones’s ego.)If your marriage is in the tank, find an expertto help your marriage, like Mark Cuban. He knows everything.Everything is bigger in Texas. Go big or go home. Families need big BBQs, big trucks, bigchurches, big blonde hair, and a big DEdMin degree from big, bad DTS.

[Okay, they did get serious here at the end.]  
Truth is, families need each other. 
Joseph and Mary went to Egypt alone. Baby, donkey,belongings; that’s it. They stayed together, relied on God’s promise andprovision, and just kept going. Sometimes families just need to keep going—regardless of thecircumstances—and enjoy the donkey ride. God is faithful.


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