Compelling Love

Compelling Love Original Trailer 1.21.14 from Kurt Neale on Vimeo.

“The most intolerant and narrow-minded people are the ones who congratulate themselves on their tolerance and open-mindedness.” – Christopher Hitchens

When it comes to differences in sexual orientation and gender identity, the culture wars tend to force us into positions of tolerance or intolerance. But what if we were able to reach beyond such polarizing positions and connect with those whose beliefs, values, and lifestyle we disagree with or even find offensive?
Over the past year, Dr. Gary Barnes and Kurt Neale traveled the country, posing this question to scores of people with different sexual and gender identities. Compelling Love & Sexual Identity is the result: a thought-provoking and moving feature-length documentary film that captures their personal stories and candid responses.
Join them for a FREE and EXCLUSIVE screening of the film at the Lakewood Theater (1825 Abrams Rd.) in Dallas on Thursday, November 6 at 7:30pm.
You may get tickets on the website This event is open to the public, so family and friends are welcome to attend.

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