Arts Week

One evening Gavin Delahunty, Senior Curator of Contemporary Art at the Dallas Museum of Art,
did a fantastic Gallery Talk for DTS. Here he gives us the background of this piece by Jackson Pollock. 

I enjoyed looking up into "The Day the Clouds Came Down" with students and friends. 

Abbie Powers and Katie Fisher do a Gallery Talk on their creation (see previous post). 

The DTS Gospel choir performed in chapel one day. Glorious!

I'm headed to campus this morning to hear the final message from Dr. Rob Johnston, who has keynoted arts week at DTS talking about how God reveals himself outside of the Bible ("general revelation"). Dr. Johnston was moved to enter ministry by watching the movie, "Becket." I had a similar experience watching "Schindler's List." Has a narrative shaped you and/or altered the course of your life in some way?


The Goldfinch


Wordless Wednesday