Women in Leadership with Karol Ladd

This is the second of a two-part interview with Karol Ladd, author of the recently released book, Positive Leadership Principles for Women.  

What five words do you believeare among the greatest motivational ones ever uttered? 

The Lord is with You! God continually told leaders throughout theBible, “Do not be afraid for I am with you.” There is nothing more comfortingand strengthening than knowing that God is with us.

What do you mean when you say arisk-taker is a praise-maker?

In my book I applied this phrase to Deborah’s story. As you mayremember, Deborah stepped forward in faith and obedience. She was a risk-taker,and after the victorious battle, she became a praise-maker. If she had neverbeen willing to step out in faith, there would have been no victory song. Whenwe are willing to take the risk of stepping out in faith as God guides us, wehave a story to tell and praises to sing.

Why do you write that there aretimes when the riskiest thing a person can do is pray?

I know it sounds odd to say that prayer is a risk, but when you thinkabout it, choosing to place our cares in God’s hands is risky. We could try toforge ahead and do things on our own, trying to change people and make thingshappen in our own strength. Certainly we need to do our part, but prayer isleaning into Him and trusting Him, instead of leaning on our own understanding.The time we spend in prayer, could be spent doing other things, yet as Christfollowers we must be willing to take the risk that turning our hearts over toHim through prayer is time well spent.

What qualities are on your short-list of not-so-great leaders? How do we see these qualities beingreflected in today's fallen leaders?

Certainly lack of integrity would be at the top of the list. Pride isan obvious close second, but I think we need to consider other traits such asgossip and complaining as qualities to be guarded about when choosing peoplefor leadership positions. Also people who care more about what people thinkabout them rather than doing the right thing. My husband always says, “It’sbetter to be right than to be liked.” Leaders need to communicate well in orderto inspire others, and most importantly, leaders need to have a humility aboutthem that allows them to serve with love.

What are some current issues youare passionate about right now?

 I am passionate about trainingthe next generation to be strong leaders in their schools and communities. Weneed to encourage young people, no matter where they are in life circumstances,to recognize that they are equipped with gifts and abilities to inspire andimpact the world around them. I’m also passionate about reaching out to parentsof at-risk kids, helping them build positive leadership skills into their kidsthereby breaking down the cycle of poverty. I started a group called ENGAGE, Positive Parenting Initiative offering discussion groups to help strengthenfamilies in areas affected by poverty. Go to EngageParenting.com for more information on this program.


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