Paris: Last Day

Day six in Paris was a work day. Our presentation was originally scheduled for Wednesday. Then it got moved to Friday. Then changed to Saturday.

So Saturday morning we headed out to the writing conference at Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense, where I listened to several speakers present findings from research about writing. Street art is a big deal there, so when students do graffiti, it stays. I certainly saw art of all kinds on this trip.

After our five-person presentation, we headed back to the flat to freshen up and drop off our gear. By subway we traveled to Tour Montparnasse, a Paris skyscraper with a restaurant on the 56th floor that has magnificent views of Paris and the Eiffel Tower. We arrived at Ciel de Paris at 6:50, giving us ten minutes to settle before the Eiffel Tower did its hourly light-sparkle display that lasts a full five minutes.  During our leisurely two-hour dinner, we had two more opportunities to see it. Exquisite!

Check out what I had for dessert:

As it arrived…a work of art.

After I opened it... mousse and chocolate chiplettes.

And of course, the view from my seat. I wish stills could capture the hourly sparkle show. Wow.

I love this city, it's people, its language, its food, its culture. Au revoir, grand Paree! I shall miss you! Merci!


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