Paris and Me

Monday (if all went as planned) I flew to Paris to participate in the international conference "Writing across Borders." My friend Amanda and I are staying at a flat near The Louvre with several others including the head of our DTS department, Dr. Reg Grant. Dr. Grant and I are slated to participate on a panel of writing professors. Our topic: Using writing for the professional development of clergy. (Others on the panel will address medicine and its subset, nursing.)

We scheduled our week to spend Thursday in Versailles. This will be my third trip to the City of Love/Romance/Lights, but I've actually never made it out to Marie Antoinette's place. Having studied her in depth in my PhD program ("Women of the Revolutions"), I look forward to exploring the palatial residence. I've also been reading The Hunchback of Notre Dame. If I can upload photos, I will. Presentation is Friday. All prayers appreciated. Short trip—back Sunday.


Paris: Day Two


Leaders Blogging: Why Do It?