Dr. Sandra Glahn

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Join Us For Cappuccino with Colossians

Back before I was working on my PhD, I taught women's Bible study at my church—something I had a passion for doing. I love exploring the text, the backgrounds, and most importantly the way of life-transformation as a result. And I love the magic of women talking about issues that affect us.
The day after I turned in all my doctoral paperwork, I had my first meeting to talk about getting back into teaching in my local church. Yay!
If you live in the Dallas area and you have two X chromosomes, consider joining us this fall at Centerpoint Church in Mesquite every Wednesday at 9:30 AM for a journey through the Book of Colossians. We'll take nine weeks in Cappuccino with Colossians with a one-week detour for a different focus. Childcare provided. The study begins September 18. 
At a time when people constantly question the nature of the Son of God, Cappuccino with Colossians brings readers face-to-face with what the Bible says about the deity of Jesus Christ. 
Who does the Bible say Jesus is? Human? God? Both? Many have tried to rework His identity, insisting that He walked on ice, not water; that He was married to Mary Magdalene; that He was in cahoots with, not betrayed by, Judas; and that He didn’t take on human flesh—He was only a spirit. These ideas are nothing new—they’re simply old deceptions repackaged. First-century believers in Colossae had challenges of their own from those who held to early forms of Gnosticism. Through his letter to them, the apostle Paul helps the Colossians—and consequently us—to see Christ in His true glory as firstborn, as master, as Lord, and as God.
In Colossians, readers encounter the humble Son of God who created all things and through whom all things hold together—from the vastest galaxy to our very lives. Colossians sets the stage for exciting, faith-stretching interaction with God’s Word—both the written one and the One made flesh.
Read Camy Tang's interview with me about my Bible Study series.
What readers are saying:

My heart is more God's since studying Colossians. I am more joyful despite my circumstances. I'm thinking more thankfully. —a reader in Arkansas
If you need your flesh to be revived by your spirit, try this study and your hunger for the Word will naturally grow. You'll want so badly to read ahead, yet happily wait with anticipation of what is to come. — a reader in Georgia