Disability and Christianity

Although nearly 23 years have passed since passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act, a US law prohibiting discrimination against people with disabilities, disabled patients tend not only to be in poorer health, but also to receive inadequate preventive care and to experience worse outcomes. One study even uncovered significant disparities in the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer in women with disabilities (New York Times).

Kindred Spirit magazine addresses the needs of the disabled in this issue themed, "The Disabled: Vulnerable and Valuable."

The magazine features some wonderful people who live with all sorts of challenges, both disabled folks and caretakers. It acknowledges the link between poverty and disability. And it focuses on how the church can both reach out to and draw on the disabled as needed members of the Body of Christ.

Go here to read this online version.

Go here to subscribe to the (free) print version.


On Christianity and Psychology


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