A Word to Christian Writers and Editors

We serve a God who chose not to be represented by the visual symbol of an idol, but to communicate with his people through the written word. God gave the 10 Commandments to Moses as words written on stone tablets. The ministry of Jesus was foretold in the writings of Moses, and the prophets and the Psalms. And the life of Jesus was recorded in writing to reach the world for generation after generation. The written word holds a special place in God's plan for the world, and it's the tool you've been given to use for God's glory. You might sometimes wonder if your work is worthwhile, particularly if your publication only reaches an audience of a few thousand. But think of how many pastors pour out their hearts week after week for an audience of a few hundred. God has given you the gift of an influential position where you can serve Him, using words as your tools. Your work matters.

—Doug Trouten, outgoing executive director, Evangelical Press Association

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The Not-So-Scandalous Women in Jesus's Genealogy