51 Blogs Worth Knowing About

According to Afrim Karoshi of Albania:

Writing, Publishing

1.    www.michaelhyatt.com(Leadership, Publishing) 
2.  The one you're reading now  
3.    www.tentblogger.com(John Saddington, entrepreneur)
4.    www.marydemuth.com(Writer)
7.    www.philvischer.com(Author, creator of Veggietales)
8.    www.rachelheldevans.com(Authors, Blogger)
9.    www.storylineblog.com(Donald Miller)
15.  www.tonykriz.com (Author, one of the firstmissionaries who visited Albania in 1991.)
17.  www.thecrossandthekitchensink.com(Melissa McDonald, a friend from Dallas Theological Seminary)

Focus on Social Media Practices

18.  www.churchm.ag (A group of authors offeringgreat content on the world of Internet and how that relates to church usage)
19.  www.wpdaily.co (A group of Wordpress loverswho help the world use Wordpress well, offering the latest from the field ofblogging)
23.  www.buzzshift.com/blog (BuzzShift, acompany offering training on Social Media)
26.  www.donteatthefruit.com (John Dyer’sblog)
31.  www.internetcafedevotions.com  (a group of authors)
32.  www.internetevangelismday.com(offering help on how to use Internet for evangelism, with great resources)

Blogging on Theology

33.  www.blogs.bible.org (a group of blogs,different authors; /tapestry, /bock etc.)
35.  www.thegospelcalition.org (a groupof authors such as Justin Taylor, D. A. Carson, John Piper, etc.)
36.  www.wordsfromwags.com (Pastor ToddWagner)
37.  www.ehrmanproject.com (A Theologicalblog responding to the claims of Dr. Ehrman)
38.  www.danielbwallace.com (DanielWallace, a professor at Dallas Theological Seminary)
39.  www.patheos.com/Evangelical# (Agroup of bloggers under Patheos.com)
42.  www.relevantmagazine.com (A magazinewith great resources on using Social Media for Ministry)
43.  www.christianitytoday.com  (Great blogs with great posts - /le, /women)
44.  www.thomrainer.com (Theologian ThomRainer)
46.  www.challies.com (Tim Challies)
47.  www.albertmohler.com (Theological AlbertMohler)
51.  www.reflectious.com (Lee Koontz)



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