Today is Blue Sunday

Hundreds of churches and more than 2 million individuals are expected to observe Blue Sunday today—a day of prayer for abused and neglected children.  Shepherding the Next Generation, a network of pastors and faith leaders, is partnering with the Blue Sunday organization to promote awareness and action on behalf of the hundreds of thousands of U.S. children who are abused and neglected annually.

Blue Sunday was founded more than fourteen years ago by Janet Magee, a member of a Texas church, who wanted the church to play a more active role in addressing child abuse and neglect. Magee said, “It begins with prayer, and then action can take root.”

On the last Sunday in April, churches commit to pray for the victims and their rescuers. Participating congregations may also hold toy drives, host community forums, or commit to volunteer in ways that support at-risk children and families.

In 2011, an estimated 611,000 children were victims of abuse and neglect, and 1,570 died as a result.


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Texas Department of Protective Services provides photos and information about children needing homes as well as ideas and tips that anyone can do to help abused children.

 Shepherding the Next Generation is a national nonprofit organization of more than 250 pastors and ministry leaders committed to the development of healthy American families. To learn more about Blue Sunday, visit


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