Betsy on Etsy

You really should check out my sister's new Etsy page. Especially if you like quilts!

She writes,

"So many people are a part of who I am, so...

Thank you, mom, for teaching me to make that first apron. It was green, and I was nine, but that's all I remember.

Thank you, dad, for making sure we all had our own sewing machines. And for still wearing that shirt I made you 35 years ago.

Thank you, grandma, for helping me flare my jeans with polka dotted fabric and stitch rick rack around the bottom (yes, it was the '70's). Those jeans ROCKED, and I'm pretty sure I wore them for like five years straight.

Thank you, all the guys in high school who didn't ask me out. If I'd been dating you, I wouldn't have had time to sew EVERY Friday night, refining my skills.

Thank you, Mark, for loving me, and supporting my sewing obsession, and for telling me when I'm about to walk out of the house covered in threads and fabric scraps.

Thank you, Devin and Erin, for wearing those ruffled, lacy, ribbon covered dresses, and for taking naps so that I could sew.

Thank you, lady at the fabric store, who talked me into teaching kids' quilting when all I wanted to teach was dressmaking.

Thank you, God, for good eyesight (and optometrists) and fingers that do what I want them to do.

There are so many more who have influenced and encouraged me. Thank you!

And I say, "Thank you, Betsy/Mary Elizabeth, for not becoming the writer in the family. Obviously, you could've had the job!"


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