Bioethics in the News

The Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity sends out a listing of top bioethics stories for the week. Some interesting stuff here:

Better prenatal testing does not mean more abortion
Between 70 and 85 percent of women in the U.S. confronted with a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome choose abortion — but that number used to be higher. (The Atlantic)

Morning-after pills don’t cause abortion, studies say
The most heated part of the fight between the Obama administration and religious groups over new rules that require most health plans to cover contraception actually has nothing to do with birth control. It has to do with abortion. (NPR)  [For all my past postings about this, search for Plan B in this blog in the right-column search engine.]

Stem cell-based bioartificial tissues and organs
Surgeon Paolo Macchiarini has made his name by successfully transplanting bioengineered stem cell-based trachea, composed of both artificial and biological material. He now plans to use the technique to recreate more complex tissues, such as the esophagus and diaphragm or organs such as the heart and lungs. (Science Daily)

Organ trafficking, a new crime of the 21st century
Organ transplant medicine is an incredible life-saving technology, under the right circumstances. Unfortunately, due to a shortage of available organs, a new crime of the 21st century, organ trafficking, is supplying organs to people with the money to pay big dollars for a new life. (The Epoch Times)

Why death is not the end of your social media life
Services such as LivesOn and DeadSocial plan to keep your friends and family updated on your Twitter and Facebook pages, even after you have passed away. (The Guardian )

A genetic code for genius?
In China, a research project aims to find the roots of intelligence in our DNA; searching for the supersmart. (Wall Street Journal )

Frozen embryo outcomes mixed
Frozen embryos yielded better birth outcomes on some measures compared with fresh embryos in vitro fertilization, but there were some concerning signals of big babies and excess early mortality, a Nordic population-based study indicated. (Med Page Today )

No increased cancer risk after IVF: Study
Women getting fertility treatments can be reassured that in vitro fertilization (IVF) does not increase their risk of breast and gynecological cancers, according to a new study of Israeli women. (NBC News )


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