This Year in Jerusalem!

Come with us to the land of the Marys, Martha, Hulduh, Priscilla....

Join me, along with Dr. Beverly Lucas, for a Women of the Word tour, June 10–21.

The trip begins in Ephesus, Turkey, and ends in Jerusalem. In between, participants will explore much of Israel as seen through the eyes of women in the Bible. Visit Huldah's gate at the Jerusalem Temple site and contemplate what it meant to be an Old Testament prophetess. Explore Ephesus and consider the influence of the Artemis cult on the first-century church. At the site of ancient Joppa, focus on the life of Dorcas, whom Peter raised there.

Two options are offered for those seeking DTS credit: Women of the Bible and the Land as Setting for Fiction. But you don't have to be a student to join us. It's open to everyone.Download a trip brochure here. We'll limit the group to one bus.


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