Update on DR Congo

Celestin M, with ALARM, wrote this from Nairobi this morning:

I wanted to give you an update on the situation of ALARM Congo Staff and the security situation in Goma.  In the words of Marie-Jeanne, our Congo Country Directors, “today Sunday services were full more than usual. Many people took turns to thank God for saving their lives and sparing the city from the worst.”  And Theophile, our Coordinator for Servant Leadership  Development program said that time was not enough in the church to allow everyone to stand up and thank God. Many people, including those who normally do not go to church, went to attend Sunday services today. It was a “Thanksgiving Sunday” in Goma. One of our staff in charge of justice and peacebuilding left Goma for a while because his life was threatened and an attempt was made on his life two days go but he and his family had already left Goma for safety. We praise God for his faithfulness.

The M23 fighters have left the city of Goma as they were ordered by the leaders of the great lakes nations and UN. The National Police who had fled Congo have returned to Goma and are establishing order and security.  There were some violence, domestic and commercial looting by the rebels on Thursday and Friday as they started to pool out of the city. There was calm on Saturday and today Sunday people on the street showed signs of relief and hope. 

 The mayor of Goma has returned and made a speech on different radio stations calling people to return back to their jobs tomorrow Monday.  There is sign of hope in Goma. Today they felt relief as the city was back under the control of its legitimate (though weak) leadership. More government officials will be returning to Goma this coming week.

Of course the recently displaced people who are about 140,000 have nowhere to go since some of their communities are still under the control of M23. The humanitarian situation is very bad in the camps around Goma and Sake. 

Our staff started their work on Saturday buying food stuff and other relief materials. Tomorrow Monday they will do last shopping and prepare for distribution on Tuesday. Since ALARM is not a humanitarian relief agency, the little funds we have received will provide for the pastors and their families, as well as other Christian leaders who have lost everything and are in camps of displaced peoples around Goma or are being housed in Church buildings in the City.   We are aware that during the relief distribution most pastors choose to starve themselves and their families instead of fighting for food with members of their congregations. Our prayer is to keep them and spare them from the shame and embarrassment in the eyes of their communities.  

Thank you for praying for the brethren... I wish we had more to go around! We pray that humanitarian relief agencies will promptly come to the help of the people of Goma and eastern Congo.


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