Family Weekend

About two hours after I returned to town from Houston on Thursday evening, my sister and her husband (McLaughlins) arrived from Seattle for a wedding at which he was officiating. Hubby and I met them for breakfast on Friday morning and got all caught up. Just like old times. I'm finally reaching the point where I can drive by their old house without getting hit with a wave of sadness. Seeing them post-move helps.

Then on Saturday Gary's nephew, Rob, and his wife, Almaz, flew into Dallas (they live in Ethiopia) on their way to San Angelo, Texas. They are here to do a workshop on how to help nationals dig wells using local supplies.

After dinner Rob helped me figure out how to use my new culinary torch. (In the photo he's putting the finishing touches on crème brûlée.) Then we joined my side of the family to watch the Texas A&M game.
I love that we have more than thirty years' history with the McLaughlins. And that our nieces and nephews invite us for dinner or ask to stay with us when they're in town. Wealth comes in many forms, huh?   


Wordless Wednesday


Mystical Skies