Bioethics in the News

Thanks tothe Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity for spotting these articles, whichfeature bioethics in the news.
How muchinfo does the human genome contain, and when should we stop looking? (Nature)
Doctorsdebate whether freezing embryos should become the primary option for in vitro (BBC).
A report analyzes the worldwide demand for embryonic stem cell research  (Sacramento Bee).
New research shows that six monthsafter the implantation of neural stemcells, two patients gained some function (CBS).
Six months after an avalanchedeprived the skiing Prince Friso of Holland, 43, of oxygen, he remains in adeep coma. His country debates euthanasia(The Australian).
 “Superbugs” resist our strongest antibiotic treatments; we must remain vigilantin addressing the growing threat from microbes. (CNN)
The more abortions a woman has before giving birth, the more likely she isto have a preemie. (BBC News)
Male fertility: Researchers make sperm from a skin sample. (Telegraph)
Britishcouples banned from pre-birth sex selection fly to New York to skirt UKlaws. (Telegraph)

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