Three Steps Back

So some guys posted a piece over at The Gospel Coalition about Fifty Shades. And they included stuff like this:

When we quarrel with the way the world is, we find that the world has ways of getting back at us. In other words, however we try, the sexual act cannot be made into an egalitarian pleasuring party. A man penetrates, conquers, colonizes, plants. A woman receives, surrenders, accepts. This is of course offensive to all egalitarians, and so our culture has rebelled against the concept of authority and submission in marriage. This means that we have sought to suppress the concepts of authority and submission as they relate to the marriage bed.

Thing is, a lot of people fired off objections. Heated objections. So the authors posted an explanation, which basically insulted the readers' intelligence and claimed they were just reading out of context or assigning meanings to their words they didn't intend. It was all the readers' faults.

One guy tweeted this parody of Ephesians 5: "Husbands, conquer and colonize your wife as Christ conquered and colonized the church and gave himself up for her." And this: "I promise to conquer and colonize you, in sickness and in health till death do us part."

Yeah, I'm not really seeing colonization in Paul's words about sex: "The wife has authority over the husband's body and the husband has authority over the wife's body." In fact, that sounds exactly like an egalitarian pleasuring party. Whether people are egals or comps, the reality is, in the marriage bed, the hierarchy picture is clear--it's all about unity, so completely not about the power.

Scot McKnight called for them to remove it altogether.
Here is Rachel Held Evans's response. 
A heartbreaking response. 
And a brilliant response for all who write about our responsibility to be clear.
I wrote a nice private message and asked them please to Take. It. Down.


Saturday Smatter-Day


Junian Schmunian