A New Class and Stuff

Today I begin teaching a three-week daily class in creative writing. I love the format and the content.

While my body is in Dallas, my brain is still somewhere over the Pacific. I'm still working on getting my sleep schedule back on Central time.

I got in a nice, 18-hour dissertation-writing (or should I say "rewriting") day on Saturday. If I could have about five more of those, I think I could push through this thing. UPDATE: Sheesh, that should have said 14 hours, not 18. I am such a slouch! The same jet lag that has me making such mistakes would never have allowed me to concentrate for 18 hours.

Our girl is away doing overnight childcare this week. And this weekend my guy and I celebrate 33 years together. We're going to try again for a night out at the Dallas Arboretum seeing Chihuly Lights. A big thunderstorm killed our plans last week, and the weather forecaster says more of the same this week--but we're not gonna complain. We need the rain. After this many years together we're less stuck than we used to be on having to celebrate on the actual day.

The new issue of Kindred Spirit is out. The theme this time is Taking the Word to the World. I hope you will take time to peruse the articles and consider how you can reach out, living right where you are.


Wordless Wednesday


Food as a Justice Issue