Time to Start Thinking about Summertime Books

TodayI want to introduce you to Cara C. Putman, wholives in Indiana with her husband and four children. She’s an attorney, teacher at herchurch, and adjunct college professor. She has loved reading and writing from a young age and now realizes it was alltraining for writing books. An honors graduate of the University of Nebraskaand George Mason University School of Law, Cara loves bringing history andromance to life. You can learn more about her and her books on her website,Facebook, twitter, and pinterest.
Thanks so much for joining us today,Cara. We’d love to learn more about you and your latest release AWedding Transpires on Mackinac Island. Let’s start with a questionabout you. What seven words best describe you?
This isa tough question. Caring. Friend.Passionate. Committed. Leader. Giver. Christ-Chaser.
Tell me about your new novel.What’s it about?
When attorney Alanna Stone left Mackinac Island,she determined she’d never return. Eleven years later, she’s back and in closeproximity to Jonathan Covington, her first love. She vows to protect her privacyand her heart from the man who still makes her pulse race. But when her worstfears are realized and history repeats itself—landing her in the midst of amurder investigation—Jonathan may be her only hope.
Let me ask you some questions aboutMackinac Island, the setting for your latest novel.
1) Horse-drawn carriage or tandem bike?
Tandembike. My family loves renting bikes and going around the island when we’re onMackinac. While I think there’s something  romantic about a carriageride, as long as it’s the whole clan, we’ll keep biking.
2) Grand hotel or quaint cottage?
Quaintcottage. I’ve actually stayed in both on Mackinac Island. During my first trip westayed at the Grand Hotel because my husband had a conference there. It was amazing,but with four kiddos traveling with us, the Grand’s rooms weren’t big enough.The last time we visited, we stayed at Haan’s 1830 Inn and had a wonderfultime. The suite was spacious and the hospitality great. 
3) Maple pecan fudge or turtle fudge?
Iactually don’t care for fudge. Can you believe it? But if it were a sliver, I’dgo for turtle. Mackinac Island is covered with fudge shops, and I was the onlyone who didn’t care for the fudge. I even created a fudge shop for my book,because fudge is such an integral part of the island.
4) Mackinac Island State Park or Fort Mackinac?
The statepark. I love walking the paths and exploring. The last time we were at theisland, my family went to Fort Mackinac while I went to the police station toask the police chief just how a murder would be handled. My kids were just gladI got to leave.
5) A round of golf or sail across thewater?
Sailacross the water. I’ve actually done neither, but sailing looks so peaceful.
6) Salt water taffy or peanut brittle?
Peanutbrittle. I don’t like the gooey feeling of taffy on my teeth. But the sweetnessof peanut brittle with that hint of butter? Yum.
7) Sunrise or sunset?
Sunset.I have a hard time getting up in time to see the sunrise, since my best workinghours are often after dark. With the change to daylight savings, I did see asunrise last week, but that will probably be it for a while.
For more about Cara, you can find her here:
Website:        http://www.caraputman.com
Twitter:          http://www.twitter.com/cara_putman

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