Dramatized History

Last night while our daughter had a friend over towatch the season finale of “Majors and Minors,” my hubby and I watched a DVD. The flick: “Made in Dagenham.”

            Iwish I could remember who recommended it to me, because I would shout out a big“thank you!” Other than one quick and unnecessary scene that suggested acouple having sex in the back of a Ford (which, along with a couple of f-bombs gave the flick it’s “R”rating), I loved it.
            In "Made in Dagenham" (2010) the oh-so-British Sally Hawkins stars in a cheekydramatization that tells the true story of the 1968 Ford laborstrike initiated by hundreds of women. They got fed up with unequal paypractices and went up against their own labor union to take on Ford, insistingthat women receive the same pay as men for their work in a London manufacturingplant.   
            Bob Hoskins delivers a brilliant supporting performance in portraying a character,sometimes with great humor, who works tirelessly to support the women’s cause.His character keeps the film where it belongs, focused on justice vs. injusticerather than about a clear male vs. female divide. 
            The 1970s music and bee-hive hairstyles add to the fun. Two thumbs up. 

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