Bioethics In the News

Let's Limit Embryo Transfers:  
A new fertility-treatment study has found that women who receive three or more embryos have no better odds of giving birth than those who receive only  two embryos. (Washington Post)

FDA Warning: About Illegal Stem Cell Treatments
The FDA announced this week that patients' hopes for cures leave them vulnerable prey for providers of illegal and potentially harmful stem cell treatments. (Medical Daily)

Surrogacy: A Growing International Injustice
International surrogacy is a growing business thanks to Westerners hiring poor women in developing countries to carry their babies. But media attention could change that. (Slate)

Skipping the Banks, Making Online Deals
Women are increasingly making online connections with men willing to donate sperm for free, skirting the expensive option of using a sperm bank with all its regulations, tests, and verifications. (ABC News)


Good Stem Cell Research


Midnight in Paris