Give Thanks

Today I'm thanking God for God. Where would we be without the Eternal Presence walking with us through the ups and downs? How can an infinitely holy God deal justly with our selfishness while also showing infinite love? I'm grateful that an infinitely creative God made a way...

I'm thankful for my loving husband and our fun girl. For my family of origin and so many I love who have known and loved me for decade upon decade.

I'm thankful for my friends who have carried us through seasons of "gives and takes away," made us laugh, cried with us when it hurt, and even occasionally sent chocolate.

I'm thankful for a body that fully recovered from a fall that left me in a wheelchair six years ago--for a shoulder that works great, a hip that works fine, and the ability to walk and swim. Not to mention that I can see, hear, smell, feel, and taste.

I'm thankful for our church, where people love and serve one another and our community.

I'm thankful for meaningful work and great administrators, colleagues, and students who make it a joy to do my job. I'm grateful for employee benefits that provide health insurance and health-club access for this recovered body of mine.

I'm thankful for the faith of friends and family exercised in the midst of trauma. It inspires me to do the same.

I'm thankful for my city, my county, my country and those who work to make it a safer, more just place.

I'm thankful for a full pantry, for the bounty of a full refrigerator, for the fact that we have so much abundance that we need a word like "leftovers" in our language.

I'm thankful for the beauty I have seen this year in Venice and Vicenza and Rome; and that I got to see it with my little family.

I'm thankful for an education system that allows women to study alongside with men.

There's so much more I could say! And I know you're thankful, too, aren't you? We are so rich! Can you add something to the list?


Prepare for Advent


Wordless Wednesday