A Better Way to Avoid Twins via IVF

Lots of news in the infertility world this week…Swedish researchers say they now have a mathematical model that predicts accurately whether a woman should opt for single embryo transfer or double embryo transfer, maximizing the chances of conceiving while minimizing the chances of conceiving multiples. Four factors are said to combine for the optimum experience: embryo quality, age of the woman, ovarian responsiveness, and information about past IVF attempts (e.g., fresh, frozen).

The math model was used for three years (2004-2007) compared with 1999-2002. The number of single embryo transfers increased from 11.1% to 76.2% while the rate of twin deliveries dropped from 26.1% to 1.9%. Live births remained at similar levels. For more on this story, go here.


Wordless Wednesday: Signs of Hope


Think: About Selective Reduction