Dr. Sandra Glahn

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Five Things about Me

Remember when people first started doing blogs and Facebook? All sorts of "Stuff about Me" questions circulated. Today we harken back to the oldies:

. My summer job in high school, before I worked in the Fred Meyer fabrics section, was painting houses inside and out. (I'm allergic to paint.)

. For my high school graduation my boyfriend, Gary Glahn, sewed me a down vest that I still wear when the weather in Dallas dips low enough.
. I broke my middle finger once pretending I was Helen Keller. I ran into a stairway.
. I would rather eat berry pie for my birthday than have a chocolate cake.
. The worst sunburn I ever got happened when I camped with a friend and her dad on the coast of North Carolina. Sand + sunburn + sleeping back on the ground = misery.
I'd love to hear about your first job, a memorable gift, how you broke something, a favorite food or your worst sunburn story.