Dr. Sandra Glahn

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How to Get Published

Two days ago I mentioned that Mary DeMuth was launching another novel, this time set in Rockwall, Texas. The woman is a writing machine!

And Mary has never ever been stingy with her knowledge. The latest example of this: Now she's sharing The 11 Secrets of Getting Published in an eBook that costs a grand total of $2.99. In it she's compiled her best tips on getting published along with plenty of anecdotes. 11 Secrets is a 60,000-word book, not just a long article. Its paper equivalent would run more than 200 pages.

In it Mary includes how to:

◦Develop discipline.
◦Weather rejection.
◦Woo an agent with a great query letter and/or proposal.
◦Understand the publishing business.
◦Perfect your writing craft.

At the end she throws in three bonus sections:

◦I’d be published, but . . . where writers share their excuses for not publishing. She gently admonishes them to overcome their fears and move forward.
◦A quick publishing tip guide.
◦The story of Mary's path to publication.

Did I mention she is offering it for only $2.99? That's a buck less than some Starbucks locations charge for a 16 oz. mocha frap. Not a bad investment!

You can order the book for Kindle here, or on the Nook here. If you don’t have an e-reader, you can download a free Kindle app for or only $2.99. I still can't get over that price. Less. than. three. dollars.

You can order it on the your PC or Mac or your mobile device here. Or you can order the book as a PDF download directly from Mary's website here. I read it from cover to cover and highly recommend it.