Dr. Sandra Glahn

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This Week

After church Sunday we took my hubby's mom out to Cracker Barrel (her choice) to celebrate Mother's Day. She thought she would never feel good enough to return to church, but on Sunday she did indeed attend and still felt good enough to go to a restaurant.

I caught my post-Chicago breath in the afternoon before gearing up to teach Monday morning. I started a new semester of Creative Writing that meets daily in the mornings for three weeks. I have a great group of students this time, with an ideal class size: nine members.

My niece Erin just finished her senior-year mentorship at a bakery, where she made some fab stuff. She had to give a video presentation (view it by following the link) along with the show-and-tell of her creation, a red velvet cake. Being the kind person she is, Erin made sure our family got the leftovers. Yum-o. Then we went out to celebrate her success over BBQ. We are trying to figure out a way for her to go to Texas A&M and still live six blocks from us here in Mesquite.

Yesterday over lunch some of us in the media/communications area at DTS met with the director of Art House Dallas about partnering with them for student internships. Check out their web site to find out about cool stuff coming soon to Dallas.

Last night we attended Erin's and our daughter's final orchestra concert for the year. One of the things we love about Mesquite schools is that the kids get ninety minutes daily in orchestra. Multiply that by the entire 70+ people in orchestra, and you can understand why the year-end Varsity A concert rocks. Because our daughter hates the limelight, she found a way to play violin sitting behind the viola section, which meant we spent most of the night trying to figure out where she was. Erin and the other seniors were honored with a flower, a plaque, and a video that included their baby pictures. Shoulda brought more tissues.

One of our Christmas presents (2010) to our girl arrived today: her yearbook. Because we pre-ordered it, she received it before anyone else in her history class. She said even the teacher asked to see it. She told me, "I felt like a dead animal surrounded by ants." Guess who would rather look at her yearbook than practice tonight?