Happy Mother's Day!

I'm thankful for my mom, mom-in-law, grandmothers and mentors.

That last category reminds me that in a sense, every woman can be a mother. Whom are you nurturing?

When my hubby and I were going through infertility, M-day was the worst day of the year for me. Those who have lost or are estranged from parents or children also feel tinges of pain on the day set aside for honoring mothers.

One Mother's Day in the midst of our pain, a college student and a middle-schooler called me to say they were thinking of me and appreciated my influence in their lives. It's been nearly 20 years, and I still remember how much it meant.

If your mother and/or grandmother is living, phone her up. And then ask yourself, "What other person can I honor?"


Quick Trip to Maryland


From the Land of Linkin'