What's Your Wedding Name?

It's gone viral--people inventing their own royal wedding names by starting with Lord/Lady, followed by mother's maiden name followed by a hyphenated version of first dog's name plus the name of your street.

Actually, I altered it. If it included the above info, people might as well add their date of birth, Facebook password, Twitter password, social security number and bank balance. Because mother's maiden name and dog's name are two common security questions. So be careful what you create and post out there!

Okay, now that I've warned you, I'll tell you what you may already know: that what people are actually doing is taking a great-grandparent's forename followed by a double-barrelled surname created by taking the name of a childhood pet plus a street where you grew up.

That makes one of my options: Lady Ella Flag-Takena. I like this better than Lady Ella Flag-9th or Lady Ella Flag-15th or worse, Lady Ella Butterball-15th. But the cold reality is that even after I change number to noun and stick with the least bad of the awful pet-name options, "Flag" is still not a regal-sounding moniker.

That dog's full kennel name was actually "Pandora Knight's Banner." Now THAT sounds regal! So maybe I'll just take the dog's full name and forget the rest. Yes. Lady Pandora Knights-Banner. I like it.

What's your royal name? (Feel free to improvise, as I did, to improve it.)


On Osama


Before the Hunt