Time to Cut Christina Some Slack?

Okay, so Christina Aguilera muffed the Star Spangled Banner last night at the Super Bowl. In front of one of the, if not THE, biggest audiences of her career. And at first I said, “Sheesh. Learn the words, girl!” But as it turns out, (and you’ve probably heard) she didn’t fail to memorize. She issued an apology that said, “I got so caught up in the moment of the song that I lost my place. I can only hope that everyone could feel my love for this country and that the true spirit of its anthem still came through."

Nuff said.

I mean...How would that feel? Oh, my. How awful for her. How utterly embarrassing. Can't you see how that could happen?

Yet the Twittisphere and blogosphere and Facebook have been ruthless today. Wicked mean. Hard, cruel.

I agree with Tanner Stransky at Popwatch: “The reality of the situation is that we all screw up, accidents happen (especially amid the pressure of such a bevy of viewers), and it’s high time to forgive. If you have issues with Christina for other reasons — say, her commercial bomb of an album Bionic or her recent divorce or the shade of her lipstick last night — then you should probably own up to those reasons, rather than give into the silliness surrounding her messing up a few words in “The Star-Spangled Banner”… Can we all start forgiving Christina now?”

Seriously. At least her wardrobe didn't malfunction.




The Shape of Mercy