Bieber and stuff

We finally have the dates for my examinations: Nov 11, Women in Antiquity; Nov 16, Ephesus/Artemis 100 BCE to 100 CE; Nov 22, Aesthetics of the Novel; Dec 1, orals. Yay!

In other news my hubby is due home soon, after being in Kenya for nearly two weeks. He caught some kind of respiratory virus during the second half, so he experienced some misery. We don't get much contact on trips like this one in which the locations where he's working are so remote, so I don't know many details. But he did say the first half was fantastic--this from a guy who rarely uses superlatives. And he's taken about 600 photos.

While he was gone, our daughter dressed up like Pocahontas for Halloween and handled the candy distribution at the door. We had about 75 kids. I think that's because she had me carve "Bieber" for the jack-o-lantern's mouth. That was a big draw for the local kids!

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