Please uphold the families...

A medical doctor friend living in the Middle East sent this today: Tom and Libby Little had spent a few weeks with us here earlier this year. Libby was recovering from knee surgery and undergoing therapy with our physio-therapy department. I had known Tom from various ophthalmology meetings in the US and he had been an encouragement to me.

You may have seen that Tom was murdered in Afghanistan two days ago. He and a team of doctors had been providing eye care to patients in Northern Afghanistan. After a very difficult journey by foot that was made even more treacherous due to the heavy rains and flooding in the area, the team’s cars were stopped by armed gunmen. All members of the team except one were shot and killed. A team of "those of whom the world is not worthy."

Tom had spent over 30 years of his life serving the people of Afghanistan. He clearly followed one who did not come to be served, but to serve. Please pray that our Lord would be comfort to Libby and their family.


The Last Week of Summer


On Writing Fiction