Pray with us that we can help...

We hope the work that East-West (the organization my hubby serves with) is doing in Africa can soon expand beyond Kenya to include all of East Africa, including DR Congo. Democratic Republic of Congo (or DR Congo, not to be confused with "Congo") got its independence in 1960.

We received this today from our contact there:

In 1996 a war exploded, resulting in the deaths of 3 million people--the thing that has never happened anywhere in the world. Also as a result of this fighting today in DR Congo, we do have many children orphans who do not have anybody to take care of them, many widows, and also many men and women who are traumatized, and also many people affected with different diseases. And on top of that, poor government. This also has brought a great pain in the life of population. The church in this country is very much affected because of the hardship of the situation. So we really need more of your prayers for this country."


The Assistant

