Happy Holiday Weekend

Saturday the teaching assistant for my creative writing class got married, so I had fun at her wedding with DTS friends. Then we had a great time with a friend who treated us to dinner at Olive Garden. (If you haven't yet, try the salmon...and their mini-dessert cups. Yum-o!)

We visited Fellowship Church yesterday and liked it a lot. Then after naptime, my sis and her family came over for burgers and pork roast on the grill. Her hubby won an ice cream maker at a golf tourney, so thanks to his work and our girl's help at the hand crank (later switched to electricity), we had homemade vanilla ice cream slathered with a number of topping options. I chose--what else? Chocolate.

We watched Kabul-24, a fab documentary that made us grateful, very grateful, for our many freedoms. And then we topped off the evening with the kids' choice, "Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief."

Tonight we're scheduled to join our friend Kelly, a firefighter, at his station to watch Dallas' fireworks show. Meanwhile, I am reading Edgar Allen Poe's Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque. Happy Halloween!


Wordless Wednesday


Death Comes for the Archbishop