The Face of the Homeless

. Two trends are largely responsible for the rise in homelessness: a shortage of affordable rental housing and a simultaneous increase in poverty.
. In 2003, children under the age of eighteen accounted for 39% of the homeless population; 42% of these children were under the age of five (National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty, 2004).
. Families with children are among the fastest growing segments of the homeless population.
. All 21 cities with available data cited an increase in the number of persons requesting food assistance for the first-time. The increase was particularly notable among working families. (U.S. conference of mayors 2008)
. As the number of families experiencing homelessness rises and the number of affordable housing units shrinks, families are subject to much longer stays in the shelter system.
. The sheltered homeless population is estimated to be 42 percent African-American, 38 percent white, 20 percent Hispanic, 4 percent Native American and 2 percent Asian. (U.S. Conference of Mayors, 2006).
. Battered women who live in poverty are often forced to choose between abusive relationships and homelessness.
. 40% of homeless men have served in the armed forces, as compared to 34% of the general adult population (Rosenheck et al., 1996).
• Persons with severe mental illness represent about 26 percent of all sheltered homeless persons (Annual Homeless Assessment Report to Congress, 2008).
• Declining wages have put housing out of reach for many workers: in every state, more than the minimum wage is required to afford a one- or two-bedroom apartment at Fair Market Rent. (National Low Income Housing Coalition, 2001).

Source: National Coalition for the Homeless


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